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Honest Australia Census Advertisement Employs Pikachu to Bully Citizens

Australia  Bullies Citizens Into Online Census Participation with Pikachu

Australians are expressing concern over the government’s introduction of an internet census form, which is obviously an improvement over the old, anonymous paper form. I mean – really,  it’s the internet, what could possibly go wrong? The government which  employs some creative types, and possibly mind-control wizards,  released this ad to assure people they have absolutely nothing to fear by participating. You all know how people hate change. Concerns over lost anonymity, hacking, the selling of personal information – and other nightmarish fantasies will simply melt away after viewing this ad. Australians will crack open a cold one, and hop online to pour out their personal information, secure in the nation’s internet. See, was that so hard?

“Authorized by the Australian Bureau of Sadistics for the Fulfillment of Orwellian Prophecies. Canberra.”