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Horsey: Rand Paul homophobe and enemy of Public schools

Horsey    education   Teaparty  LIbertarian

One look at the spelling on the signs of their followers ought to be great and good motivation to revitalize the school system as it stands! Instead, the ugly
Libertarian view of ‘I’ve got mine, sucks to be you"’ lives on in Rand Paul – under his Tea Party mask.

When questioned further, Paul reveals his bigotry in the heated ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ debate.

"I support eliminating the estate tax because when I die I don’t want the government to use my money to buy
some homosexual a new pair of chaps."

There you have it, the puzzling reason Tea Party Libertarians would nix the very programs which would negatively effect the supporters who depend upon those very programs. Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and the school systems would be dismantled putting the country on a fast track to the very bottom economically. All because the fear and bigotry of an imagined purchase of chaps for a gay person, or food stamps for someone of a different color. While teachers teaching to test scores is abominable, much more so the thought of a curriculum based upon Creationism, lack of Art programs and all other subjects which might actually inspire curiosity and learning in our schools, as they are when passed through the filter of right-wing reactionary school-boards.