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Houston Man, Kendall Dwayne Thomas Shoots School Bus

HOUSTON — A Spring Branch school district bus was shot up Thursday, police said. All because the bus driver refused to let a student aboard who was still eating her breakfast. Unfinished oatmeal leads to school bus shooting

dead school busAfter the girl returned home to tell her parents, her 29 year old step father, Kendall Dwayne Thomas and the mother called the school bus dispatcher to say they were coming after the diver. In separate cars they tracked down the bus. After it dropped off its students, Thomas caught up with it and blocked it with his car. He then got out and shot at the driver missing him by a few feet. Thomas denies it saying he only threw a bottle of perfume at the bus. Fragrance: Bullethole #3.

In a related story 10 Democratic US Senators joined 45 Republicans to sign a brief to the Supreme Court asking – for the first time in 70 years – to review and strike down the "State Militia" clause of the 2nd Amendment. This would change the meaning of that amendment from a "state right" to an "individual right". This could very well rescind most gun control measures in the United States. And God knows we need more people with more guns running amock…

This week Americans were treated to the news of an angry man killing 5 in a strip mall, another angry man killing 5 more in a courthouse, an angry woman shooting two at a nursing school, shooting at a school buse and hundreds more per week that are so ubiquitous they don’t make the national news. Big American gun fun! No place like it. And proud of it? You betcha!

Though these incidents are lots of fun to hear about and help define just who and what we are, there is an economic cost to each and everyone of us.

We know from the NRA that the more guns people have the more polite and safer we all will be. But how big is your gun compared to the next guys’ gun? And will yours’ fire more rounds faster than his? We are told that we must immediately go out and spend our coming stimulus check, and what better way to spend it than on a top of the line handgun AND assault rifle. Don’t get caught behind the tech!

This same line of reasoning should also be extended to the United Nations concerning H-Bombs. Just split the 15,000 we have up more equitably. About a hundred to each and every nation should do the trick. The entire world would be polite and radio active in no time!