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How is Hate Radio Host Sean Hannity Doing?


Other than the constant barrage of patriotism and support of our troops followed by more patriotism and support of our troops coupled with even more patriotic support of our troops with a flag waving nationalism that puts even the Nuremberg rallies in the back row, most of what you get these days from the fat dumb one (as opposed to the earlier 3 hours of the fat smart one) is selling Freedom Concert tickets.  Though the 6 concerts are not until August, this has been going on as a major point of the 3 hour show since October. Get your Freedom Concert Ticket packages under the Christmas tree!

Callers just cannot seem to get enough information on this great event. And no, the Freedom Concert coffee mugs DO NOT come with your ticket package. You get a voucher which you redeem at the concert when you enter. Yes! The calendar does come with the ticket gift package – because getting it in August would make 2/3 of it used up. These organizers, celebrities and audiences are not as stupid as they look!

And yes, you have to bring your own flag. It would probably be best to wear a flag of some sort as one of your hands will be busy carrying your Freedom Concert Coffee Mug around for the 3 hour concert. Yes, the concert is estimated to last 3 hours and 10 minutes.

Colonel Oliver North and Sean Hannity will be giving patriotic pep talks between musical venues, and yes,there is talk of a surprise guest in attendance! Last year one of the Freedom Concerts had Rudy Gulliani speak for almost 3 minutes!  With Sarah Palin now the most popular and best loved Republican I would guess this venue beneath her, instead expect Joe the Plumber, who by the way seems to have got a book and record deal out of Nashville!

After paying for musical acts, logistics and marketing what money is left over will go to scholarships to children of dead or 100% disabled Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and the purchase of 8000 copies of Colonel Oliver North’s new book which will be distributed to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan! Something they have all been asking for rather than the new ACDC or METALICA cds. 

For you youngsters out there, Ollie North is a convicted felon who worked in the basement of the Reagan White House where he sold TOW missiles to Middle East terrorists to fund Nicaragua terrorists. In the process he defied congress, the constitution and the rule of law, which of course makes him a hero in the great conservative book of boobs. Palin/North 2012! The Airhead and the Felon! Armed to Please!

Other than the daily jabber over the Freedom Concert the Sean Hannity Radio Show follows the same Republican talking points that Rush Limbuagh initiates during the preceding 3 hours of this daily six hour set. Wait, Hannity is followed by Mike Savage in many markets which is nine straight hours of this… This… Gosh… It is so bad they haven’t a name for it yet. Poopycrapstink?

The key talking points since the election on the Hannity program are the same as Limbaugh, the constant unrelenting use of the word socialist and socialism every time Barack Obama is mentioned. And secondly claiming that environmentalism is a liberal conspiracy to destroy capitalism and hand over America to European Socialist Marxists and Communists. Both Rush and Sean especially hate those big windmills popping up around the nation.

Hannity is much better at mindless banter on the phone than Limbaugh. Sean can take two or three calls per minute feigning embarrassment over callers telling him what a wonderful intelligent American he is, and how they could not live without him and his show.

The callers also want to know more about The Freedom Concert!  Will Billy Ray really be there in person!!??  Yes!  Will Michael W.Smith be there too! Yes! What about inviting Ted Nugent? Ted is a wonderful bigot, racist, dog and cat killer and friend of Sean’s but Ted will probably not be there as his music is not really compatible with Christian musician Mike Smith. Will Ollie North come on stage more than once? Youbetcha! Again and Again and Again! And Sean will personally introduce each act!

I am reminded of 1969 and Woodstock…