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How stupid are they? Sharia Law rallies across the country

How stupid are they? Sharia Law rallies across the countryThere is no Muslim Sharia Law anywhere in America, it is all made up crap and fake news. But there sure as Hell is Christian Sharia Law, not only all over our own government, but it is being pushed and voted for by these very same clueless nitwits you see here.

Actual American Sharia Law.

  1. Religious laws against abortion
  2. Religious laws against birth control
  3. Religious laws against gay marriage
  4. Religious bathroom laws against transgenders
  5. Religious laws forcing prayer in schools and government
  6. Religious laws denying evolution in public schools

And they have the balls to call all that RELIGIOUS FREEDOM rather than the RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY it actually is.

With that said, just how stupid are these people to not get that? To be demonstrating against themselves and their own worldview?

  1. Dumber than a bag of hammers
  2. Dumber than a cauliflower
  3. Dumber than pea gravel
  4. Dumber than dirt
  5. Dumber than a puddle
  6. Dumber than mud
  7. Dumber than okra
  8. Dumber than dogshit
  9. Dumber than concrete
  10. Dumber than Fox and Friends

Sorry everyone, if you call these people dumb then you are an elitist (educated) and they won’t vote for Democrats and liberals anymore! Has anyone who believes that silly crap ever actually sat down with these nitwits and talked to them over a couple beers?

But there are a few issues I have found common ground with them. Which is important here in Texas as THEY are all there is to talk to unless I go 30 miles downtown to The Montrose where all the gays live and the only fun in Houston happens to be other than monster truck rallies.

So for 35 years down here I have limited my conversations with them to Weber grills, fishing, boat ramps, crawfish, Gimme Three Steps, the home teams and getting drunk. Yep, that’s about it. It’s hard down her being white without a gun or a truck or a camo outfit.