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Huckabees Obama Joke at NRA convention falls flat

Gov Mike Huckabee at the annual NRA convention in Lexington, Kentucky cracked a joke that even the lunatic fringe NRA audience found in poor taste. Addressing the group from the podium, Huckabee responded to a loud backstage crash saying,

That was Barack Obama. He just tripped off a chair. He’s getting ready to speak and somebody aimed a gun at him and he — he dove for the floor.

Christian fundamentalist lunatic fringe Republican Huckabee later apologized to the lunatic fringe NRA.

I guess why it was received so poorly by the crowd was the implication that the NRA is gunning for Barack Obama. Or maybe just pointing their guns at him to scare him a little.

What with all the James Earl Rays’ living on my street down here in Dumbutt, Texas and now adding this little NRA yuck to the game gives new meaning to Full Metal Jacket.

I must also commend John McCain. While sucking up this lunatic fringe organization in Lexington he choose his words correctly when he said we should not "dismiss gun owners as some kind of fringe group." Indeed, it is not gun owners who are the lunatics, it’s the NRA, the most powerful right-wing lobby in America. McCain’s aim is to woo NRA at its convention