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I miss Bill Clinton sex scandals, comedian Barry Weintraub

With the 20/20 vision that comes from making an enormous mistake, comedian Jerry Weintraub longs for the days of Bill Clinton. Unlike most Americans, he’s able to look past the silliness that Ken Starr placed in the high beams, and realize that keeping the country in the black ink and between the lines on the road, is no small accomplishment.

For the morality minded, just since the days of Clinton Republicans have ‘hiked the Appalachian Trail, been found in diapers, practiced a wide stance in a bathroom stall and filled the pages of a prominent madam’s client list. Perhaps worst of all, is Newtie who left his wife divorce papers on his wife’s hospital bed who was recovering from cancer surgery. The Newt Patootie was also – while married to his second wife – having his way with his looney third and present wife while he was leading the impeachment of President Clinton for the very same thing.
Clinton really could have been much worse – if he’d been a Republican!