I believe Trump will quit before Christmas. EVERYONE tells me he will never quit. I ask EVERYONE if they would quit to avoid jail? EVERYONE said yes but Trump is crazy so he won’t. And I say that’s a good point, but then again even a crazy person doesn’t want to go to jail?
I wonder? I think Trump believes that if they did impeach him that about one third of Americans would don their camo outfits, saddle up their 4 wheelers, grab their AR15s and start a revolution.
How far to you lead an F18 with an assault rifle? Do those rino round get through the hull of a Battleship? As an old artillery officer I wonder what they are going to do about that which is the greatest killer on the battlefield? But from what I hear around Texas, they say they will rise up no matter.
They don’t quite understand the difference between battling a duck and a tank.
One thing’s sure, it wouldn’t be long before all Trumpers would be hiding under their beds in a puddle of pee.