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If God Came Back: He’d Kick Asses of Climate Change Deniers. Louis C.K. Comedy Animation, Language Warning

If God Came Back: He'd Kick Asses of Climate Change Deniers.  Louis C.K. Comedy Animation, Language Warning

John Roney animated this choice bit from “Louis C.K. Live at the Beacon Theater.”  Let’s say God gave man dominion over the earth…It is a popular view.  Louis asks why you think God wouldn’t expect you responsible in taking good care of it? Maybe you staunchly deny that the climate is changing because we use it like a garbage can. You could be right – but God may have other ideas. It’s worth considering.

If we’d signed a lease agreement with God, what’s the liklihood of mankind getting our rental deposit back, hey? Sure, like any other roommate situation where some have done more damage, you can try to get the major polluters to pitch in a little more. Shall we start with Exxon, maybe Cheney’s Haliburton-related fracking – or perhaps Shell? ha hahahhahhaha.