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Illinois Man kept alligator in home to attract women

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Dating do’s and don’t s guys. Listen up, I don’t know where some of you get these ideas! It’s well known that few women can pass by an irresistible furry, warm, puppy who licks your face with wild abandon, slobbery kisses and joy. But the ladies can – and do resist a cold blooded alligator living in your small dwelling!

One such misguided soul is Dewayne Yarbrough from Illinois – who after careful consideration, decided that a real live ‘gator in his home would be his entree’ to desirability. "Let me show you my etchings" was replaced by "let me show you my cold blooded eating machine, you’ll be ever so impressed!"

DeWayne had even taken precautions to make certain that his chick magnet would not grow beyond the limits of the 4 foot tank he provided, Small is cute – but still macho, right?

In other alligator news, as the video shows, a mere 7-foot long alligator had been hanging around the Gainesville Golf and Country Club, and it’s fair to guess that he had put a damper on the sunny Floridian enthusiasm for golf.

While the deputy was waiting for an alligator trapper to show up, the beast attacked the patrol car, chomping down on the car’s front bumper and hanging on, leaving considerable damage to the car. Oh, and by the way, no women are reported to have been impressed favorably by the ‘gator attack. Good luck next time DeWayne. Alligator shoes and purses are another story entirely, but are not to be confused with the real, living, breathing reptile which is your roommate!