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SNL: Tina Fey does Sarah Palin in debate with Michele Bachmann

Tina Fey is in better form than ever! No one watched the actual Republican Candidate’s Debate, even John Boehner opted for catching up with his Netflicks – sad ones, but we do have the real power in the GOP shown here in the ‘Undeclared GOP Candidates Debate.’

All of the interesting (read loony to psychopathic) candidates were there! Sarah Palin reveals that her Twitter Facebook plan of information gathering and dissemination works much better than that boring old stuff that the Maverick’s people pushed upon her and left her completely unprepared for such ‘gotchas’ as Katie Couric!

Newt scooted too quickly. I suspect he was unaware that Fox News had already given him the boot as an incentive to choose!
Even Jimmy McMillan "The Rent’s Too Damn High" Party put in an appearance.

I think you’ll all agree, that along with Tina Fey’s hysterical – and true rendition of Sarah Palin, the next best revelation is Michele Bachmann’s " Fatal Attraction Plan." Forewarned is forearmed, so gentlemen, please don’t stare at the set. If you require a refresher, rent "Fatal Attraction" and hide your bunnies.