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Imbeciless Michele Bachmann blames Obama for S&P credit downgrade

For the Spanish speaking crowd…Que is mas estupido?

Louie Gohmert – Republican Congressman from Texas
Steve King – Republican Congressman from Iowa
Michele Bachmann – Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota

Everyone at Standards and Poors including the CEO and their spokesman specifically said ALL OVER THE ENTIRE MEDIA that their downgrade was because the debt ceiling was wrongly attached to budget politics when it should have been promptly extended months ago as it was every time before. [Back when presidents were white]

Of course talk radio, Fox News, the Tea Party, and every ignorant Evangelical airhead running for president – who are not only DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for taking this nation hostage to their radical politics – but have profanely, loudly and proudly SHOUT that they voted against it knowing full well that this would be the result.

Not only do they blame this political game of theirs on President Obama, but everything they did that caused the worst recession in American history, the highest and longest rate of unemployment, the most cars and homes ever being foreclosed upon, with all them money going to high end bonuses and golden parachutes, is the fault of that Black Hip Hop guy in the White House.

The disgust factor and sheer horror of what they have wrought upon the people of this country in the name of debt is secondary to their denial of it, their hypocrisy concerning it and the lies they tell. 

And to make it worse, the real horror of it.

Yesterday a new poll came out that said a whopping 40% of Americans had a negative view of the Tea Party. So 60% of Americans like it or don’t care. 

MY GOD MAN! Are we in trouble. Bringing all their crap to attention here or anywhere will not change any of them one nit wit. In fact the more the truth be told, the more victimization they claim and the better they come out.

It now looks like they will easily hold the House and take the Senate. With either a Mornon in magic underwear or George W. Bush the Second will take the White House. Forget for a minute what control of both houses of congress and the executive branch will do to this nation. Think of what at least one, and maybe two more RIGHT-WING LUNATIC Supreme Court Justices will do. No more 5 to 4, or 4 to 5 decisions. From that point on for a generation it will be 6 to 3 or 7 to 2 for Hell on Earth.

So everyone get your butts off the couch and your chins off your chests and GO DO SOMETHING in the REAL WORLD.