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Rick Perry leads Christian Bigots to Prayer as the answer to Woes

Kind of reminds me of Ronald Reagan hey? Nice hair, nice presentation from cards, religion on the back burner until politics get into it.

Look out! George W. Bush II is on the way! For those of you not paying attention to Texas politics, Rick Perry is easy to define.

Rick Perry is a dumber and meaner version of George W. Bush.

Just what we need to fix things. Preaching and Praying and an upcoming rapture to end it all.  

One sad point I noticed in the panning of the audience, lots and lots more ladies than men in this anti-gay, anti-women, anti-Catholic crowd of drooling bigots. Which of course is good for Republicans politics, good for the Republican primaries and good for getting out the vote come 2012.

How did that one guy put it? Once one gets "the knowledge of Christ within me" all rationality, reason, logic and tolerance are lost to that "idiot wind blowing from the back roads of the South…"

I do understand that we must play this silly game to help children deal with death and murderers to redeem themselves in our prisons, but it’s a game just the same. It so reminds me of Star Trek conventions. But even Star Trek conventions do not single out groups of people to hate. Romulans and Klingons are accepted and ALLOWED TO ATTEND. ALLOWED TO ATTEND. ALLOWED TO ATTEND.