The creature emerging from The Swamp is Alex Jones of Infowars, the ‘news’ whisperer in Donald Trump’s ear…But hold on! Alex Jones rants are cleverly given the Bon Iver treatment. I guarantee that this the most entertaining way you’ll ever hear this raving turnip!
If you’re a fellow ‘triggered snowflake and libtard’ this two-minute presentation will bring home to you why Trump supporters call your fact-based assertions ‘fake news.’Alex Jones is so influential that Donald Trump not only believed Jone’s broadcast that ‘thousands of Muslims’ celebrated 9-11 – Trump claimed he was actually there! Because of Jones, Hillary Clinton will forever be connected with a non-existent pedophilia ring. Trump also repeated that Clinton and Obama were the co-founders of ISIS…And, news to me, ‘sources say’ the two smell of sulpher! It’s odd that so few noticed, unless they too – –Ya think?
Created by @NickLutsko – download the song for free here: