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Intellectual capacity of Global Warming cartoonists

We first take a look at conservative political cartoonist Lisa Benson’s input for today. Here we have the very definition of "parochial".

The window they look out of is the same window everyone looks out of. If it is snowing here it is snowing everywhere. If it is getting colder here it MUST mean it’s getting colder everywhere.  The intellectual capacity of both Ms Benson and her readers is more than obvious.

About the same amount of Americans believe that both Global Warming and Evolution are myths and lies.  A near majority. A few commonalities are that upwards of 90% of both groups are Republicans and that both beliefs are at odds with all the facts,  reality, the truth along with education and intelligence levels.

But what is different between them is Creationism or what is now called Intelligent Design is not well funded, but promoted only by obvious evangelical morons and politicians who win the day no matter.

On the other hand the Global Warming / Climate Change myth and a lie is funded by billions of dollars from the Oil, Gas and Coal lobbies which they pour into advertising propaganda, Republican politicians election coffers, conservative think tanks and generating fear in their employees losing their jobs. Dr Sagan please… Billions and billions and billions of dollars.   

So now we look political cartoonist Ben Sargent’s input from today.  I am sure all our  readers understand the nuance of it, but living down here in Dumbutt for so long I can tell you that this one flies so far over the heads of my fellow Dumbuttians that it’s messing up the ozone layer.

Sarah Palin proves we are a nation not separated by left or right, urban or rural, or red and blue but by smart and stupid.