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Iran Tests Missiles, McCain wants World War III

Why can’t Iran test missiles without Neocons, Republicans, and John McCain intoning the Holocaust and yapping about World War III?  I suppose it goes back to the Monroe Doctrine, that WE can do what WE want wherever WE want come Hell or High Water and YOU can’t! So there!!

I guess the logic is that America is the Adult and everyone else are the children. Simple reasoning that has held a simple nation together for most of 300 years. But there seems to be some prophetic leveling off of things which began in 1989 and has yet to play itself out.  

The question today over these missile videos is whether the voters are going to swing toward Obama’s calm reasoned call for more diplomacy, direct and otherwise. Or will the electorate move further into John McCain’s pocket full of bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. And of course the new one, send Iranians cigarettes to kill them all! Funny Republican stuff to be sure. But will it fly in Peoria? 

Bombing is what McCain was trained for you know. Dropping bombs on people from far up in the sky, don’t like seeing their faces before you kill them. You too artillery people. (me) I wonder if he is a better bomber now than he was in Vietnam where he was pretty much a flop at it. Bombing made John a Hero. So why can’t Iran have bomb dropping hero’s too? It’s only fair… 

As to the question at play here, being from Dumbutt, Texas I am sure you know what I think. Here or Peoria its bombs before diplomacy, buckshot before talking and guns not gardens!

Shooting, bombing, and threats of shooting and bombing is a win, win, win, and win here in Texas. I really shouldn’t be speaking for Peoria though have been there a few times. 

I suppose the real question is how well Texas represents the rest of America?  Sadly, it is more representative than you may think. The thirst wearing a flag and intoning scripture to justify and even promote our lust for vengeance, gunplay, executions, bombings and wars transcends race, religion, national origin and yes, even sexual orientation!  If we were to take all that out of its present context and looked from a neutral pair of shoes perhaps T E X A S would be spelled I R A N .

What nations have actually used nuclear bombs on civilian populations centers?


What nation has killed the most civilians in foreign wars over the last 60 years?
