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Ironic News: Believers in Angry God Prone to Mental Illness, Obama’s Deal with Monsanto

Ironic News: Believers in Angry God Prone to Mental Illness, Obama's Deal with Monsanto

Juliana Forlano’s Ironic News Report features a variety of stories today, including but not limited to the Monsanto Protection Act,  which makes it sound as if they are an endangered species. Nothing could be further from the truth, it is we who are endangered by them.  Dick Cheney has been located – call the Hague.

In God News: It’s healthy to  believe in a beneficent and loving Creator, and harmful to picture God as a vengeful punishing deity.  A study conducted by Marymount Manhattan College Assistant Psychology Professor Nava Silton, used data from the 2010 Baylor Religion Survey of US Adults to examine the links between beliefs and mental illness.  In keeping with prior studies on this very subject, she queried the data on three types of believers: those who see God as angry, those who see God as neutral and those who see God as loving.

Controlling specifically to weed out the non-believers, Silton found that a belief in a forgiving, loving God is associated with positive psychological traits, “almost protecting against psychopathology.”  On the other hand,  people who belive in an angry, punishing God are much more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders such as social dysfunction, paranoia, obsession and compulsion.  Believe accordingly.