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Is Kathleen Turner being sarcastic about John Boehner?

Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker wrote a piece this morning on House Minority Leader John Boehner (pronounced bone er). It was mostly about his perpetual tan, his love of Proctor and Gamble products (his district has a Proctor Gamble plant) and how when he becomes Speaker of the House come next year, he and the GOP will first rescind all Health Care legislation and then restore integrity back into Congress. The only way I can see that working would be a bill to force the castration of all Republicans.

Well all such niceties aside, I am at a loss over two paragraphs from Kathleen.

Remember she bucked the system during the last election to say Sarah Palin was not ready to become Vice President. She suffered enough for that double cross that she wrote a few columns about the anger and the threats she received from her dwindling cadre of fans.  She has also on occasion spoken against a few Republican excesses, though not questioning the excesses of the Pro Life community.

So I need some input on this? Both these quotes below make fun of liberals for  cleaning up oil in the gulf while the GOP marches forward toward what really matters, November politics.

Is Kathleen Parker being sarcastic? If this were a piece on Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck I would assume it was, but the top mainstream Republican in the House?
I haven’t a clue! Do you?

John Boehner dreams of a rebellious November
By Kathleen Parker
Sunday, May 30, 2010

For Boehner, being called the "Party of No" isn’t a regrettable invective. It is a strategy aimed at highlighting the contrast between those running things and those who want to run things. That deafening silence you hear from Republicans about the gulf oil spill? All the better for Americans to hear the glubglubglub of Democrats and the administration going down the drain.

Whether Republicans have the ways and means to do that remains to be determined by the voters, but while Democrats are scrubbing oil from the gulf, Republicans are greasing the gears for a much-anticipated rebellion.