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Jeffery Dahmer Proves Evolution a Lie

kelly j. coghlanIn Sunday’s Houston Chronicle two opinion pieces were printed side by side on the evolution debate. On one side came the standard well reasoned argument for evolution, those who know what they are talking about accept evolution while and those who don’t have a clue, don’t.

An example of just how whacked out these creationists are was forever etched in my mind by Houston lawyer Kelly J. Coghlan. Here it is. this is not The Onion. This is the real deal.

Jeffery DahmerNot surprising.
Virtually all scientists acknowledge weaknesses, but atheists and
others don’t want these weaknesses revealed — particularly not to our
children. This is the Scopes Monkey Trial in reverse.

Jeffrey Dahmer,
America’s most infamous serial killer who cannibalized 17 boys before
capture, gave a final interview to Dateline NBC before his death and
explained: “If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be
accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior
to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I
always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came
from the slime. When we died, you know, that was it, there was

Too bad Jeffrey was never exposed to the weaknesses of Darwin’s theory. Teach weaknesses that Darwin saw in own theory

There you have it!  The proof in the meat pudding pie! The best source these nitwits can come up with to push their crap is from a serial killer who had 17 people for dinner. 

Here we have the central issue that drives this crap. THESE people believe that if THEY and THEIR children accept evolution – thus denying the existence of God – then THEY and THEIR children would eat their neighbors.

There is a conundrum here, a big one.

Obviously these people and their decedents have a genetic disposition that seeks to reek horror and havoc upon others in the world unless the fear of God is instilled upon them from a very early age. So it is not in the self interest of humanity to allow these violent sociopaths lose upon the world without having them wallow in their fear of retribution in the afterlife. The rest of us must put up with their crap or they will eat us all.

Another issue rears its head here. This Coghlan fellow graduted SMU and then got a cum laude law degree there, proving that evangelical Christianity can create morons out of just about anyone.