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Jessica Williams Assault Swim pool party

When white people do it [waving guns around] they call it OPEN CARRY, when black people do it it’s called HE’S GOT A GUN! HE’S GOT A GUN! HE’S GOT A GUN!

Jessica Williams Assault Swim pool party

The most important thing to take away from this is that these are middle school kids from a middle class community who live nearby and came to the pool party which was a black thing through social media and white parents NEARBY didn’t like hearing the rap music – which seems to be what the scuffle was about – along with some fence jumping so they called police.

The police came and the black kids ran away. But for some reason the cops had to run them down and assault them, cuff them, and so on rather than just leave them run away.

As many in the comment areas – who attack black people and defend white people 100% of the time over every incident like this say – this has nothing to do with race. Well other than racist black teenagers complaining about white cops anyway.

There are millions of us old white people who back in the Sixties suffered this kind of crap now and again for our long hair and tie died t-shirts, so we know a little of what it is like. But it must also be said that we could in 10 minutes go get a haircut, put on a tie and be done with it. It did not follow us and our family and friends and culture FOREVER.