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Jewish Lesbian Liberal Makes Fools Of Conservative Obamacare Haters

Jewish Lesbian Liberal Makes Fools Of Conservative Obamacare Haters. Susie Sampson
Susie's second cousin removed, Rebecca Rubenstein is a Liberal  Jewish Lesbian. In Tea party world, that translates to 'hell bound perverted communist.'  As you can imagine, her views on every issue varies widely from her 'conservative' Christian cousin Susie Sampson. Today the crazy lady from the family tree, has the nerve to tell us that Obamacare may be flawed, but it's still worth the wait.

We’ve been told that ‘nobody’ wants Obamacare, but there are an awfully large number of ‘nobodies’ online signing up at any given moment. If you’re still tempted, ‘they’ issue dire warnings about the endless wait. Why, you could expire while waiting for your Affordable Care! Gosh, dehydration, boredom or any number of maladies could strike while you’re waiting…But Susie’s ‘cousin’ did it and lived!

You must prepare to entertain yourself during the 15-minute wait. Cue wails and gnashing of teeth!  On the plus side, it’s not 15 minutes of useless waiting you’ll never get back…Like the scratch ticket line on Saturday.  You’ll have insurance at the end the ordeal.

C’mon America!  Organize paper clips, arrange your office supplies according to Feng Shui, read something, pet the cat/dog/parakeet/anaconda?!(just keep ’em separated) Take out the garbage. Get real and show those well-insured fat cats that we need this, and we’re by-skippy going to use it!