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Jimmy Kimmel Reads Mean Comments from Trump Supporters

Jimmy Kimmel Reads Mean Comments from Trump Supporters

Jimmy Kimmel Reads Mean Comments from Trump Supporters

Yesterday we posted a viral video from Jimmy Kimmel in which he reached out to those who voted for Donald Trump. The nation is incredibly divided, so Jimmy hoped to form a connection with his fellow Americans with empathy and understanding. Jimmy explained that he understood why they voted for Trump, and allowed that things have changed. Jimmy encouraged those who felt like they made a mistake to admit it, so we can all move on. He then proposed a solid plan that truly would help all of us, even Trump.

Jimmy awaited response from former Trump supporters today, and if the reaction he received is any indication – Jimmy really made a breakthrough! Jimmy certainly succeeded in getting people to express themselves. Jimmy reads a few of the Twitter and Facebook responses he received. So America, strap yourselves in, pull down your face shields and prepare to  meet your Trump supporters!