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Who is Joe Biden? Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel Asks Who is Joe Biden?

Vice President Joe Biden’s recent LA visit had Jimmy Kimmel wondering how many people even know who he is.  So as an experiment they sent a camera crew out onto Hollywood Blvd. to ask Americans a very simple question: “Who is Joe Biden? Simple question, right?   I will admit that I’m not a political whiz kid, but  I was shocked to see that most pf the people who were questioned could  probably spot Waldo in a crowd, or locate Carmen Sandiego – but they don’t know who Joe Biden is, or why anyone is talking about him.
Despite the confusion, this  is an oddly informative video. You may well be surprised to learn what Condaleeza Rice is doing these days – so will Joe Biden, when he learns that they are job sharing.

Can you guess which four occupations were linked with Joe Biden’s name?

1. Evangelist
2. Movie star
3. Terrorist
4. Senator
5. CNN pundit
6. A Republican presidential hopeful