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Joe the Speller

morons Ya gotta love Rush’s ditto heads, all 20 million of them. Here’s Joe the Speller, who graduated suma cume laude from Okie Public with a major in spelling. Joe successfully completed his third year in grade five when he decided he had enough knowledge, so he quit school and hit the streets with personally designed signs to educate the rest of us pinko commies on how to vote.

With nearly 70 days to go before Obama even takes office, the wing nuts on the right are already blaming him for the economic crisis. Heck, just the other day, wing nut in Chief Rush Limbaugh, accused Bill Clinton for all the woes up to Nov. 4, and Obama since then. The peace and prosperity of the ’90’s was nothing but an illusion according to His Pigness.
The irony of course is that Joe the Speller and Joe the Plumber are going to be better off down the road once an Obama presidency reinstates progressive tax policies and programs that favor the vast majority of Americans and not just the filthy rich. Neither Joe will understand any of this and undoubtedly vote for Sarah or Mitt or Newt in 2012 anyway, but what do you expect from people who get their views from radio and cable clowns like Limbaugh and Hannity. If it wasn’t for rubes like these two Joes who have been convinced that Obama is going to take away their guns and bibles, AM hate radio hosts and almost everyone at Fox News would be begging on street corners with a tin cup.

If nothing else, I’m excited that a Barak Obama presidency is going to make intelligence and command of the English language fashionable again.