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Texas A&M Student President John Claybrook, Christian Hero

john claybrookWhile most colleges in the United States initiated Gay and Lesbian centers on campus in the 1990s, it was not until 2007 that this horrible idea came to the largest and most conservative public university in America. Texas A & M Univesity. Aggies.

A few weeks ago a bill was introduced and passed by a majority of Texas A&M students to allow them to “opt out for religious or moral reasons” paying fees supporting the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center on campus. It would have saved each student $2 a year.  Student president John Claybrook, a practicing evangelical Christian from the South, decided to veto the bill which caused enough commotion for the issue to get national coverage.

This is quite unusual, for as you know, whenever you hear something reeking of intolerance, ignorance, bigotry and sexism, you can follow it back to the words, EVANGELICAL, CHRISTIAN and SOUTHERN. So here is an example of at least one person bucking the trend.

The beauty of it was what this unassuming Christian young man said about it…

“When you see a group of people feel oppressed, and you stand with them, and you see them in tears, it really moves you. I knew I had to take a stand for these people.”

“I learned on a personal level about my faith, and what it means to be a friend to people who have traditionally felt oppressed, to stand up for people you’re not all that familiar with, I have new relationships with people I would not have known otherwise.”

“I thank God for the opportunity to stand with them, hug them, grab them by the arm or shoulder and tell them everything will be all right.”

So there DB and MS! I have found and reported on ONE reasonable Southern Evangelical Christian.  I suppose I could say that makes three. But I don’t want to be too nice about this. It could ruin my reputation.