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John McCain, Canonhead Diplomacy

After eight years of Bush-Cheney diplomacy, the result which has been pretty much everyone on planet earth hating us, along comes hop-a-long McSame pledging to continue these same failed policies. Here’s a guy who’s been to Iraq eight times, and still can’t get it right. He thinks an Iraqi neighborhood is safe as long as he’s wearing a bullet proof vest, has a hundred soldiers guarding him, and several military helicopters hovering overhead for good measure. He doesn’t even know the difference between a Sunni or a Shia Arab, a gaffe he repeated more than once with regards to this 1400 year old tribal war.

While no one belittles his unfortunate captivity in the Hanoi Hilton where he was subjected to five and a half years of torture, we do have to wonder how he can claim this experience somehow sharpened his foreign policy creds. The guy was locked up while being tortured for gawd’s sake. This begs the question, considering the inhumane treatment he received, how he could have caved so quickly to the Bush-Cheney side of the torture bill congress tried to pass, a bill that meant little more than reaffirming the Geneva Conventions. It’s difficult to imagine a more dramatic collapse of one’s honestly earned principles for such transparent political gain by pandering to the oddly named "Christian" right.

With our screwed up corporate-controlled media, that pays more attention to who’s your pastor rather than issues Americans actually give a rat’s ass about, the general election this fall will be far closer than it should be. McCain, with all his nutty statements, lack of understanding of domestic concerns, his abandoning his 2000 campaign principles, and just plain sounding like he hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about, is running even in the polls with Obama, if you can believe it. Like, what is it Americans hate about peace and prosperity versus war and recession? Because if nothing else, John McCain is promising four more years of war and recession, and you’d better like it or you’ll be accused of being an unpatriotic traitor, which is standard GOP campaign strategy.

Mr. bomb, bomb Iran has made it clear that he will take the disastrous international and domestic policies of Bush-Cheney and dig the hole deeper. For the sake of America, someone has to take away his shovel. The very definition of diplomacy is about talking and negotiation. Bullying your adversary through threat of force will never work and only compound the disagreement. Consider the possiblity that the Arab nations had the superior military power and threatened us with force if we didn’t bend to their will. How would we react? Is it so hard to understand why so many all over the world detest our arrogant asses?

McCain has demonstrated through words and actions that he clearly is not the person to change a course that is in shambles. He will be labeled as John McBush, and for good reason. He’s just more of the same old crap that has two thirds of Americans frustrated and longing for better. He’s another rich old white man who thinks diplomacy is best accomplished by sending our young people into a battle they think they can win because they have bigger guns, without any sense of why they’re there. This failed diplomacy has resulted in the deaths of thousands of our own young kids, and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

Forget the money, thousands upon thousands of people have died unnecessary deaths because idiots like McCain think it’s important to continue an unwinable war that never should have been started in the first place. For what, pride?

Add up the last eight years of Bush diplomacy and you get; Bush + McCain = McFailure.