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John Oliver Interviews Tea Baggers About G20 Protesters

Wow, bragging about carrying a giant crucifix in a Smith & Wesson holster. Tea Baggers. This is yet another instance of how polarized this nation has become when we find these three nitwits are not doing a Saturday Night Live skit after all, but real American voters! It’s horrifying… 

But there is a serious matter here. These sometimes called anarchists have no Frank Luntz to refine their message so idiots down at the range can understand it. Hell, I don’t even understand it and I have a collage edumacation!

One side dwells in silly street antics and confusing signs and slogans while the other side is seeped in silly mob antics with specific signs and slogans that are not only untrue but do not articulate much of anything other than how much they virulently hate and despise our Black President of the United States.

A Black President who wants to take their money and transfer it to health care for Negroes and Mexicans! Not much on this Earth worse than that for these kind of people, let me tell you. Well, there are taxes and some places still won’t let them take their guns out drinking in bars. But that is soon to change. 

Speaking of change, by the next election their may not be any gun control laws at all and hundreds of billions more dollars will be pouring into Politician pockets to vote the way Exxon/Mobile, Dow, and Citibank want them to vote… Perhaps a trillion dollars more to make corporations a million times more powerful than an American voter.

It seems the five very politically driven conservatives on the Supreme court are in the process of pushing an extreme Right-wing agenda on this country before they lose one of their own to. You Betcha!