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Joint Darts, FOD

joint dartsOne would have to be pretty damned stoned to come up with this idea.

If only we could get the Tea Party Ugly to smoke a few joints a day. They could come up with ideas like this which are much better ideas that what they come up with on their own.

But you know, breaking it down, there is little if any difference between Republican and Tea Party policy, issues or ideology.

I had an epiphany a few weeks ago watching Bill Maher.  I realized that the entire Republican ball of wax, the bottom line, the point an the nut of it was expressed short and sweet by the Father of the TEa Party, Freedom Works CEO Matt Kibbe.

Why should I pay anything to benefit someone I don’t know?

There it is. The coup de grace of Republican politics.  BTW I have the simple answer to Mr Kibbe’s questions.

Because we are suppose to be a civilized nation.