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Jokes Seth Meyers Can’t Tell with America Ferrara – Harriet Tubman, Two Gay Penguins

Jokes Seth Meyers Can't Tell with America Ferrara - Harriet Tubman, Two Gay Penguins

Jokes Seth Meyers Can't Tell with America Ferrara - Harriet Tubman, Two Gay Penguins

Seth’s delightfully clever writers Amber and Jenny join Seth to tell jokes that just sound wrong coming from a white male. For Donald Trump’s benefit, the writers are not Harriet Tubman or two gay penguins.  Amber tells jokes with an African American slant, and Jenny steps up to the plate on lesbian humor.  As an added bonus, America Ferrara drops in to give the Latina perspective.

A few of the jokes may sound a little corny, but I think you’ll agree that it’s all in the delivery, and the truth-bombs are culturally relevant and spot on.

It’s still the age of Trump. As one observer commented: “I’m still waiting for the headline ‘America Deported.'”