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Jon Stewart and Planned Parenthood Gift Cards

I think we will be seeing more of this kind of stuff where we laugh at ourselves. Its okay. Its good! Relax…
But for those who do not remember or chose to not remember.

In 1972 I held the hand of a young lady through the process of a mafia driven illegal abortion in a filthy hotel room in Chicago. I will never forget it or that horrible 200 mile ride home.

These many years later my empathy holds not to any potential person or people, but to that girl and all girls forced into that position by religious intolerance.

I read today that self proclaimed atheist Christopher Hitchens is now on the Pro Life side. I wondered about that until I remember of his four most hated people, three are women; Mother Theresa, Princess Di and Hillary Clinton (Bill Clinton is the fourth). He likes George W. Bush and the Iraq War. Christopher Hitchens is a snotnosed jerk. I also suspect that when he so often gives TV audiences the finger and tells them to get fked, he is also drunk.