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Jon Stewart and Samatha Bee of Brazil Olympic World of Ass

Republicans (conservatives) hate President Obama more than they love America!

The Republicans have gone from the Party of unregulated business, to the party of religious silliness, to the Party of NO, to the Party of Wingnuts of Summer and have now arrived as the Party of Hate America like nothing seen before. They make G20 anarchists look like Lee Greenwood singing at a NASCAR event.

Again – for the sake of Luntz – please, whenever the you hear the term GOVERNMENT prefix it with the word AMERICAN. If you hear someone use the term government in any context, correct them, AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. If you are writing a letter, an article or a comment on the net and you see the word government replace it by typing AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. If you are watching TV or listening to the radio and you hear the word government shout out the correction so all in the room, or bar, or day room can hear it, even if its only the dog. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.

I was disappointed Jon did not use the Rush Limbaugh video which put this in perspective so very very well . Here is the Limbaugh Rant from Fair and Balanced Fox News who titles it The Best of the Best! Everything one needs to know about Rush Limbaugh

That visual image of such overwhelming ugliness and hatred REALLY IS the face of the Republican Party today. Though Mike Huckabee – an evangelical fundamentalist and creationist whose ancestors were dinosaur hunters – leads the GOP as who they want for president in 2012, we need not worry too much that Republicans are all a bunch of nutcakes because some polls are showing Mitt Romney neck and neck with Huckabee! And Romney has his feet planted firmly on the ground believing that Jesus Christ is from Missouri! Really! Gosh… Ya know, Scientology is above Mormonism on the silly religions list. You doubt that? Who do you think has the best grasp on reality? Tom Cruise or Glenn Beck? 

As a few, a very few, Republcian elders are coming to terms with these bozos who are responsible for sinking the GOP, it is not that they disagree with them but that these kind of videos are finding their way into the mainstream which are anathema to independent voters.