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Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Super PAC NON coordination!

Citizens United, causing far more trouble to far more people than Dred Scott.

There are a few ideas floating around to solve this problem. The GOP wants to solve by having no campaign finance laws at all. The Democrats want to work up a constitutional amendment because it’s the only way to  bypass the Republican Supreme Court.

But there is a better and easier way that not only solves this specific problem but most that is wrong with a selfish, unfair and intolerant America.
IMPEACH CLARENCE THOMAS.  There is more than enough bribery, more than enough precedent, more than enough incompetence, and GOD knows more than enough of his "na na NA na NA" finger giving "I am above such things" attitude. 

That simple act would change this country far more than who controls the House, the Senate or the White House.