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Jon Stewart, Britney, Paris and Obama – McCain Down Low

Oh no the race card!  Gosh…

Britney, Paris and ObamaPolitics is  becoming more and more like religion. [Or I am just recently becoming aware of that]  It is so much about believing only what we want to believe while we will openly accept lies knowing they are lies and not caring.

Not long ago the Obama Campaign managed to get black people (and many others) to believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton were racists when they are perhaps the least racist white couple in America. So now Republicans who are indeed the most racist white people in America get a free ride. Obama saying he doesn’t look like the fellows on our paper money was enough for the McCain campaign to scream and holler "race card!" And though wrong it doesn’t matter, Obama’s polls sink. Lies on the front end override the backlash on the tail end, putting the lies in the win column.  

Not only does this Carl Rove negative ad campaigning John McCain has bought into work, but lying about it works even better. The Swift Boat ads from last election were well funded lies and they were known to be lies at the time but that did not matter, they worked. 

So what can we learn from all this?

McCain was brainwashed by Marxist Chinamen for 5 years in a prison camp in Hanoi. He is now one of their agents which they will use to destroy capitalism and democracy throughout the world.  Yeah, that’s it…  McCain is a brainwashed communist agent! As soon as the Queen of Diamonds appears its all over friends!

Lets go with it… Come on… hurry up… Please don’t give me any of that ELECTION LOSER crap about honesty, integrity, and being above such things!