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Jon Stewart does the Herman Cain Grope

After Herman Cain was accused of sexual harassment his poll numbers went up from 30% to 36%. Ah that Faith Based Republican Base. Gotta love em.

I hear they like Cain because they FEEL he is just like they are! An intolerant clown. Which is about the only thing they are right about. As we have seen over and over in this GOP campaign, one thing is sure, the Republican Base sure don’t like smart people. Again, they are attracted to those they FEEL are just like them. Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain. All who put their allegiance to supernatural beings ABOVE their allegiance to their country. Which by their own definitions is treason.  

Here again we have that FAITH BASED vote. An over 30% block of voters who the GOP gets to count on absolutely every 4 years.
I guess Democrats can say the same about African Americans, but that’s only 12% and they don’t vote as much. And will be voting even less as Republicans suppress their vote in every GOP held state legislature. It’s what they do. It’s who they are.  It’s the call of the wild. Democracy and Liberty for me and screw you. It’s the nature of the Beast.
So every 4 years the GOP has about a 20 point FAITH BASED lead going in to the presidential elections.

Faith Based – By definition – religious believers who refuse to accept science, facts, reason and the truth, who instead BASE their world view on whatever they want to believe. Or I should say, whatever some wealthy preacher tells them to believe.