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Jon Stewart, Fox News Constitution consists only of the 2nd Amendment

fox news constitutionWe are in trouble when the most watched news source is FOX NEWS and the most listened to voice on the radio is Rush Limbaugh. Clowns and a wholes make America what it is today!

Republicans sure do carry on about the inerrancy  of the Constitution a lot, all that liberty and freedom stuff. Well for themselves anyway. Well come to think of it, liberty and freedom for white heterosexual Christians.

There are four main issues Republicans have with the very core of the Bill of Rights in The Constitution which actually make us free.

The separation clause of the 1st Amendment.
The search and privacy clause of the 4th Amendment.
The due process and self incrimination of the 5th amendment.
And above all, the horror of the entire 14th Amendment, whether it be citizenship, due process, equal protection or the kick in the pants it gives The Confederacy and State’s Rights. They do talk about changing that one but not about changing the 2nd one.

But you know, even though the 2nd Amendment is most responsible for our being the most violent industrialized nation on Earth, it would not be so if the “well regulated” clause were to be considered.

Most all of these issues, and related issues to actual freedom and liberty (other than for the wealthy) could be resolved by getting just one of our Republican Supreme Court justices off the bench. And Clarence Thomas could easily be impeached for the money and graft he takes from the Koch Brothers and Tea Party donations.  But he’s black and knows what a can of worms that would open,  so he just gives us all the finger and a NananaNAna. Perhaps FLF Scalia will eat himself to death?  And did  you know that the US Supreme Court is made up of 6 Catholics and 3 Jews? Where are the Evangelical Protestants?  I suppose they just can’t find one smart enough for the job.