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Jon Stewart gives Grover Norquist a Free Ride

There is nothing especially funny about this interview. It seems that The Daily Show has now become mainstream enough to give free ride interviews to the most disgusting people in America to keep the guest pool coming. A few years ago Mr. Stewart would not have let this guy off the hook.

As both Obama and Hillary talk of a coming change in which we follow the people rather than the money, Grover Norquist keeps plugging away at taking us back to the pre Teddy Roosevelt Robber Baron days. When it comes to hardcore conservative ideologues, I can think of no one more intrinsically rotten as Grover Norquist.

Norquist is the spokesman for The Unearned Income Crowd who control our corporate board rooms, Wall Street, K Street, the military industrial complex, the media and work to do whatever it takes to control every other aspect of our lives. If they don’t make money on it, it is not worth doing.

Every Wednesday morning since the Gingrich Revolution began in 1994, Grover Norquist has sat at the head of a long table in an office in Washington DC filled with a rotating gang of the heaviest right-wing hitters in America. Directing Republican office holders, lobbyists, conservative think tanks, Christian preachers and CEOs on how to sell and implement their scam to usurp the democratic process through election and legislative bribery to help no one other than themselves and their personal profit.

In this interview Norquist spends most of his time advocating the destruction of public education to hand all our children over to Christian Evangelicals, unaccredited profit driven workbook educations and stupid home schooling parents. This is easily the worst idea in American history other than making beer illegal.

I have some experience in this matter. See Texas Private Schools have no Oversight