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Jon Stewart gives Tea Bagger Ron Paul ANOTHER free ride interview

ron paul

I removed the video because it was just more patronizing of perhaps the most disgusting human being in American Politics today. It contains nothing other than the standard convoluted financial doubletalk this, the ultimate Tea Bagger hides behind. 

There is a serious media problem concerning Ron Paul. He lives down the road piece here in Dumbutt and I have been following his antics for most of 25 years now. I am not fooled by him as it seems so many many others are. Ron Paul for Dummies

Jon Stewart is one of many television pundits who fail to ask this lunatic the questions that clear up exactly who and what he is. Like what do you think of Medicare. Or Social Security? Or evolution? Or machine guns with free crank?

Ron Paul is a bigot, a racist, and above all a Christian Evangelical fundamentalist nutcake who makes Glenn Beck seem sane.  Ron Paul decries the War on Religion.

With that said allow me to list the bad followed by the good. First a few direct Ron Paul quotes:

"I think it (evolution) is a theory and I do not accept it."

"Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions."

"I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city [Washington DC] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."

“We don’t think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That’s true for most people but black males."

"As it was written I would vote against the Civil Rights Act of 1964."

Now let us briefly go over his policies.

Abolish affirmative action!

A Constitutional Amendment to allow states to force Christian prayer in public schools.

Give creationism and Intelligent Design equal footing in public schools science classes.

Repeal of Roe V Wade!

Against embryonic cell research.

Against ALL federal funds for the arts!

Advocate for parents who refuse medical help for their children.

Advocate of private, religious, home schooling and voucher systems over public education.

Abolish the Department of Education!

Abolish Medicare and Medicade!

Abolish Social Security!

Abolish the FED.

Abolish the IRS.

Abolish the EPA.

Deregulation of Banks.

Deregulation of Wall Street.

Opposes equal pay for women.

Opposes minimum wages.

Opposes gay adoptions.

Opposes criminalizing dog fighting.

Opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Supports a Constitution Amendment to remove the alien birthright clause.

Supports a 3000 mile Mexican border fence.

Supports the vigilante group The Minutemen.

Supports English Only education.

Supports "don’t ask don’t tell" policy in the military.

Legalization of hard drugs.

Enjoys an NRA triple A+++ rating.

But he does have some good points which allow him a free ride with television pundits of all stripes.

Legalization of Pot.
Against the unfair War on Drugs!
Against capital punishment.
Against war in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
And he don’t like Neocons!

And the last five seem to trump the previous 35. And of course not to forget a quick look at his following…

libertarian party

Ron Paul Crazyass Libertarian