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Jon Stewart, Sean Hannity is Dumber than a fish

California farmers have been suffering a great drought for sometime now. So they have joined Tea Bagger America with Sean Hannity to express their anger over big government intervention into their lives! OMG!

In this case their compliant concerns the half billion dollar (in 1935 money) big government reservoir they depend on for their very lives. Big government  which turned their desert into farmland. But now they want the evil big government to drain the already lower than ever resevoir so they can water their nuts.

The problem of course concerns a series of logical steps about the food chain killing off endangered salmon and raising the salanity of the water to levels that will cause their nuts to not need subsequent salting by Morton.

As you can see by the video, Hannity and friends just do not have the intellectual capacity to understand cause and effect, or in fact much of anything at all. Thinking is cause for booing. And these people always make sure to vote! Which is the bottom line problem we have here in the United States of Duh. Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck are smarter than most voters. Which should scare the Hell out of you.