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Jon Stewart, GOP talking like Adults except Rand Paul

Where do the GOP talking points come from each week? It seems to be a mix of Frank Luntz notes (the conservative word guru) the weekly Wednesday morning Right-wing breakfast held by Grover Norquist and a bit from the the Weekly Standard’s pre issue spill. It all then goes out to the pundits from Fox News and talk radio and then to the RNC which distributes them to Republican

So what about the Democratic Party talking points? Well, there aren’t any. When you wear a pink tutu to work there are no pockets to carry any talking points around with you.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10c
[Adult Spin]
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If you ask the Rand Paul a question he doesn’t like, he may not handcuff you and lock you in a room as his fellow Libertarian Alaskan failed Senate candidate Joe Miller will do, rather, he will just remind everyone that you cheat on your wife with whores. Kick! Libertarian pages

Come January Jim DeMint will no longer be the top clown of the Senate – though pretty much what one expects from South Carolina – he will be replaced by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. A nasty, mean, ignorant Right-wing nutjob.