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Jon Stewart has Tim Pawlenty for lunch

Hear Here for Jon Stewart’s loud NO to Pawlenty’s Left/Right equivalency on violent rhetoric. About time Jon!

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Tim Pawlenty made big news a few days ago by saying that Sarah Palin using cross hairs on a map of districts to target was wrong. Since then he has been back stepping. As a Republican presidential candidate in 2012 you can see how this guy must decry reason and facts to please that Republican Base of angry gun consumed Evangelical Christians. For if he doesn’t suck up to them, he is toast in Iowa and South Carolina, two out of three. 

We have not a few serious Right-wing nutcakes with a very good chance of become President. Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Haley Barbour… There are no serious Left-wing nutcakes on the presidential horizon. In fact the only two I can ever recall, Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich everyone new had no chance whatsoever. So with that said.

The 28th Amendment – All political parties in all the respective state are hereby required to make all primary elections open to all citizens of said states. The first 5 states on the primary election calendar must reflect the population of these United States in race, religion and rural urban demography.

18 states already have open primaries.

Blacks make up 13% of America and Hispanics 16%.

Iowa – Blacks 2.8% and Hispanics 4.5. Rural
New Hampshire – Blacks 1.4% and Hispanics 2.8. Rural
South Carolina – Still proud of being the first state to secede from the Union over slavery for Christsake!

My guess would be that the fairest primaries would be the 4 largest. California, New York, Florida and Texas. Instead of talking about wingnuts like Gingrich, Palin and Huckabee we would be talking about reasonable people like Romney, Pawlenty and Daniels who would no longer be afraid to speak reasonably.