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Jon Stewart, How Republicans Killed Hope

I am reminded of the craziest Speaker of the House we ever enjoyed.

Newt Gingrich.

After Republican Ronald Reagan based his presidency on tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, our national debt tripled causing each of us to pay 20% of our tax bill in interest on the debt. In 1993 the Clinton Administration submitted and passed a budget that increased taxes in the highest brackets. The soon to be Speaker of the House said:

“This budget will Kill jobs and lead to a recession, force people off of work and onto unemployment and will actually increase the deficit.” Newt Gingrich

Newtradamous got it completely backwards. Rather, the budget resulted in reducing unemployment, moving the deficit into the black for the first time since 1962, and we enjoyed our greatest period of peace and prosperity in history!

Republicans are very silly people who need to rally around a central silly personality, like Rush Limbaugh. Please, do what Rush says! I dont pray often but I am praying for that.
One more reminder on just what a silly egomaniacal megalomaniac Newt Gingrich is:

“Gingrich – Primary mission, Advocate of civilization, Definer of civilization, Teacher of the rules of civilization, Leader of the civilizing forces.”  Newt Gingrich on Newt Gingrich.