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Jon Stewart Iowa Caucuses, GOP candidates chocolates filled with crap

This fine morning we see the end of Texas Nitwit Rick Perry and Minnesota nitwitess Michele Bachmann. Romeny winning by only 8 votes held his own. Thank the Lord Newt Gingrich will stay in the race to dirty up whoever is left. And the winners are that frothy bowl of aftersex bigotry Rick Santorum and the racist lunatic Ron Paul! Here! Hear!

114,000 people voted in the Iowa primaries. With a population of 3 million that is 3% of the population choosing our President. I can’t find the numbers, but I would not be surprised that there are about 114,000 pig farmers in Iowa. I have been around Iowa. As you drive around it feels like no one is home, and whose favorite beer is Grain Belt, which is more like a sauce than a beer.