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Jon Stewart, Joe Away the Plumber off to Israel to Pronounciate Peace

Pajamas TV has a new international reporter! Joe The Plumber Wurzelbacher is off to the Middle East to give us all an unbiased spin on things by embedding himself with Israeli soldiers! 
You will remember Joe the plumber is not a plumber at all, he works as a laborer for a real plumber doing the toilet stuff. He hoped one day to get become a plumber apprentice but it looks as his 15 minutes has been extended as America’s Newest Hillbilly Commentator.

Joe the Plumber also pretended he had $250,000 to buy a plumbing business. Joe (who isn’t a plumber) is really just a divorced beer guy from Southern Ohio who is so far to the Right that even Fox News won’t pick him up.

Personally I love Joe who isn’t a Plumber! All Democrats should get down on their knees and pray that he and those like him (Sara Palin and Elmer Fudd) will become the voice of the Republican Party.

For a generation some of us have been screeching that the success of the GOP is only because the wealthy found the formula – guns, god and gays – to USE America’s fertile fields and hollers which overflow with morons to hold their power.

It is now time for the morons to step up to the plate for us all to see. Show us your stuff!

You betcha! And watch that pronounciations!