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Jon Stewart, Mitt mad at Fox, Jam fight in the Marmalade Room!

This means that Fox News is too extreme and radical for even Republicans!

I have been hearing that it is okay for Mitt Romney to flip flop on so many issues. After all, this is a representative democracy and he is only giving whatever constituents he has at any given time what they want.  Trouble is that in the here and now is not giving the majority of the American people what they want. Most Americans accept climate change, choice, more taxes on the wealthy, collective bargaining, keeping Social Security and Medicare intact, unemployment extensions and that Jesus was from Nazareth instead of Albany.

Reminds me of this perception that Jon Huntsman is a liberal sneaking around the GOP.  My God man, he has 100% ratings with Pro Life groups, the NRA, Grover Norquist and on and on. All he has done is publicly say he believes the Earth is getting warmer and evolution is real. He has made the mistake of agreeing with ALL SCIENTISTS in the world other than those who are paid by oil interests or who believe people live inside of fish.