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Jon Stewart, MSNBC replaces FOX NEWS as The Presidents Channel

My twenty year long complaint against liberals has been two fold; their inability to laugh at themselves and drowning the word “liberal” in an ocean of self induced political correctness. It is THE why of having to rename themselves “progressives”.  

PC, which is shaking a finger in the face of the blue collar masses generated so much hatred toward liberals and Democrats that conservative wingnuts managed to get such people to vote against their own self interest on most every issue imaginable. It became more important to throw it back in the faces of uppity liberals for telling them what they could say and how they should think, their jobs, wages, healthcare and individual liberty be damned.

It is the main reason that for 28 years this nation has suffered a conservative hegemony which, as we can now see, turned this once great country into BOZOLAND both at home and abroad.

An entire chapter right here on Political Correctness