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Jon Stewart, Newt Gingrich, Likeabilty Challenged

Remember this one?

Recently came forward one of the many former squeezes of the Noot Patootie. Anne Manning called the  Lord Speaker “morally dishonest” concerning their affair during his first marriage in the late 70’s. “We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her,’” she added that Gingrich told her, “If you ever tell anyone about this (getting a BJ in his car while waiting to pick up his kids from an elementary school), I’ll say you’re lying.”

Gingrich implied that the woman’s claim that they had an affair when both were married 19 years ago was the work of anti welfare-reform liberals. “I knew when we started down this road… if we’re going to have a revolution to replace the welfare state, we better expect those people who love it to throw the kitchen sink at us.” Gosh, Gingrich has been throwing not only the kitchen sink, but the dishwasher, the washer/dryer, the stove, the furnace, the bathtub, the furniture, and the slab at not only the President and his wife in like manner since he took office, but anyone who got in his way over the past twenty years. He is the king of bomb throwing. But one does have to give him credit for having the balls to make such a hypocritical claim. Seems his balls are as big as his head.