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Stephen Colbert, Pushy Pops Food Cramming!

The Republican Party voted down healthy school lunches for children, not only declaring that frozen pizza was a vegetable because it had tomato sauce on it, but that healthy food would cost an extra $.15 a meal. Republicans refuse to even give little children a step up. As Jesus said so well, "Bring unto me the little children and together we will beat the crap out of them." FAITH BASED.    

Who are the FAITH BASED anyway? Well for starters there is Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain. Ron Paul is an Evangelical Fundamentalist and Newt Gingrich wants to impeach all judges in the United States who do not believe GOD comes first. Oh and then there are the two Mormons who believe Jesus if from upstate New York. FAITH BASED as opposed to SANE BASED.