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Jon Stewart Raps the Right to Work around the union laws

Here is the bottom line in all this, the big dirty elephant in the room in Right to Work laws. Write it down on an iPad and shove it up a Republican's ass.

If you want the freedom and choice to not pay union dues while working in a union shop, then any benefit the union gains for it's members in higher pay, workplace safety, better health care or benefits of any kind, you will OF COURSE decline all such wages and benefits not only which the union gains for you, but has gained for you in the past. OKAY?

rapping jon stewart

In Right to work states, workers make less wages, enjoy less employee health care, pensions and benefits. They also suffer far more dependence upon temporary employment which do not give employees any benefits whatsoever. Looking at the map you can see that the 24 Right to Work states include the 13 Confederate states, the western gun states and those states in the middle of the country where no one wants to live in, visit or move to for a job. These states not only pretty much duplicate the the red states in the 2012 election map, but are for the most part, MOOCHER states which take in more federal dollars than they pay out.

It goes without saying that Republicans fight for Right to Work laws to benefit those who fund their elections, wealthy employers and their board of directors. But their success is how well they sell it to their working stiff Republican Base. The GOP is very good at playing semantics. RIGHT TO WORK, CHOICE, PRO LIFE, FREEDOM, LIBERTY are all phrases easily remembered, but as Mr Stewart points out, they mean mostly the opposite of what they actually do.

They use the words and phrases Fox News and talk radio push out 24/7. Republicans know full well that their Republican Base – who are for the most part working stiffs – would rather forgo good pay, healthcare for their children and retirement plans than being forced to pay union dues that go to elect Democrats who coddle immigrants and queers, support evolution and global warming, will take all their guns away, give money to a Muslim communist President born in Africa and  turn America into a European Socialist State (Communism) where parents let their children go out to play even at night!