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Jon Stewart, Republican Gov Candidate Ken Cuccenilli to outlaw BJs in Virginia

If we outlaw BJs only outlaws will get BJs.

The only way to stop a bad guy with a BJ is with a good guy with a BJ.

ken cuccenilliKen Cuccenilli outlawing oral sex between not only consenting adults but married couples as well. Hmmm… Where do you think Lord Ken would get such an idea?  Along with no abortion for any reason?  And the destruction of public education in lieu of school vouchers? Where do these ideas from the Dark Ages come from you think?  Hmmm… And more importantly, how is it we allow these creepy crawlers to screech about liberty, freedom, big government and getting the government off our back when they are the very ones most involved in putting the government between women and doctors, and cameras in our bedrooms? Why do we let them get away with that crap?

Oops! Just had one of those moments. Is giving and receiving a BJ the same under the Ken Cunnecilli  law?

On an unrelated note, a Christian philosopher friend and ACDC fan of mine dropped off an atheist book here a few days ago by A. C. Grayling. So far what I have learned is to respect religious beliefs and religious individuals unless  they require their beliefs be taught in public schools, pushed into our  government or codified into law. Then it is every ones job to loudly disrespect and shame not only them but their underlying theology until they learn that their beliefs are no more worthy of codifying into law than my beliefs. SMACK EM DOWN HARD, just like we would the Taliban who they are modeling themselves after.

I am sure you have by now read that 34% of Americans want Christianity declared a State Religion. There you have it. Over one third of Americans are the frigging Taliban.  You think that needs to be reduced to state by state or do you already have a pretty good idea of the where of it?  That is another thing I just learned from this Grayling book. Religious Fundamentalism is fairly rare in the world today, it comes almost exclusively from only three geographical areas. The Middle East, Central Africa and the Southern United States.