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Jon Stewart, Republicans boo Paul Ryan, Democrats sing topless

Well, there is the problem… While Republicans scream, yell, drool, spit, call Democrats Hitler and Stalin and Communists, Democrats take off their shirts, sing and blow kisses… Its like Marines versus Tommy Tune. Which in turn is why this website was created in 1995. In those 16 years I have really only learned one thing, Republicans can be as nasty as they wanna be for it is expected, it is their nature. Democrats have to be nice or else.

I am reminded of Alan Grayson, Democratic Representative form Florida who had a loud mouth. He lasted two years before he was voted out. Republicans have about 200 Alan Graysons in the House doing the same thing and they get voted in. It’s much like talk radio. There is a long well known list of nasty ass conservatives most anyone can name. How many nastyass liberal talk radio hosts can most anyone name?